Monday, April 20, 2009

Cleveland to Host 24-Hour National Championship

It's official. Cleveland has been chosen as the site of the U.S. National 24-Hour Championship! The race will be held during the newly created North Coast 24-Hour race, scheduled to take place on Oct. 203, 2009 at Cleveland's Edgewater Park, alongside Lake Erie. I will definitely be running it.


  1. I just found your blog. Best of luck at Bergamo! Someone I ran with recently told me you've got some bee colonies - how are they doing?

  2. Hey, Steve, I just checked out your Blog. You're an animal! And, coincidently, I used to live in Mpls and went to school at the "U". But, never ran when I lived there. Bees are doing well. Hive survived the winter and they should be making honey while I'm running in Italy. Who did you run with?

  3. Have fun in Italy and it's so cool to read about an Ohio runner (from there ) doing what you are doing! And like Drew says -"Cleveland Rocks!" :-)

  4. I really want to do the 24-hour championship some year, but this year, I've already got 750 miles of races. Maybe next time. But then, it'll probably be somewhere less interesting than Cleveland.

    I'm pretty sure it was Julie Berg who mentioned the bees.
